Tuesday, April 10, 2012

square foot gardening revisited.

so last year austin and i decided to try our hands at square foot gardening. it was pretty successful for the most part. but some things didn't work out that great. we think some things were a little too crowded using the square foot method. so this year, we're sticking to raised beds, but not doing the actual square foot grids.

we went with three 4x8 raised beds.

some things we planted from seeds.

while other things we bought already growing from holcomb's.

in the end, we have these three beds arranged in sort of a "z" shape at corner of our property.

thankfully, juliet was there to help us. we clearly couldn't have done it without her.

seriously. she did this all day.

her life is rough.

i'll keep you posted on the gardening update as things continue to grow. and i'll pretend like you care. you should, too.


  1. Whoo hoo! I DO care! This is on my list of things to do today/tomorrow! Get started and plant some stuff! I did it 2 summers ago and it was successful for a while (not long enough to actually HARVEST anything) and then my dad told me to put fertilizer on it and when I did... it all died. Then last year I was busy with little man so I didn't try again, but it's time to put this black thumb back to work. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress!

  2. i'm glad you care!! :) i hope your garden works out better this time around. are you doing a raised bed or planting straight into the ground? we've actually got a ton of things growing already and had to cover it all up over the past few nights to protect from frost!


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