Monday, December 31, 2012

happy holidays.

i know it's already after christmas, but i guess i just got too busy/forgot to post the 2012 edition of our holiday card for you all to see.

so here it is:

hope you all had holly jolly christmases!

you can see our 2011 christmas card here and our card from 2010 here.

holiday happenings.

austin and i just got back from a big trip to virginia to see my family for the holidays. but first, we started with a few christmas celebrations here in tennessee.

austin and i did our christmas gift exchange on the 22nd, just the two of us. and juliet, of course.

on sunday, we actually hosted austin's family for the first time for christmas lunch. i pulled some red and green stuff together from around the house in attempt to create a christmas-y table.

after that, we headed over to ben's house where their family always has the heards over for christmas dinner.

then on christmas eve, we crammed everything in to packed the car to head to virginia. we arrived just in time for dinner at tim's sister's house. and then later on that we went to see my dad's side of the family.

{i don't know why we continue to take group pictures in this terribly lighted room... next year i'll try to remember to set up elsewhere}.

christmas day started with lunch at mom's with the whole gang.

followed by some target practice.

and more food at robin's parent's house. and i got to see my cousin jj who i haven't seen in forever because she moved to california!
{please ignore my frizzy hair from being outside shooting guns all day}

the rest of the week in virginia was spent just hanging out with my family, going bowling, out to eat, and finally watching the twilight series. don't judge. i just felt like i needed to see what i have been missing out on. spoiler alert: not much.

it was so good to see all of my family for the holidays. hopefully i won't have to wait an entire year to see them all again!
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