Wednesday, May 25, 2011

new digs.

today, austin and i bought a new comforter set for our bed!

although we really liked the look of our old one {which we haven't even had for a year yet}...
... austin couldn't stand the texture of it. it's made of sorta silky material that had the annoying habit of grabbing your skin. that may not make a whole lot of sense, but it was not a good feeling.

so we finally found a new one!

i think the light color of it is a nice change, yes? it's got a pretty little floral pattern on it, which i thought austin would not like, but he's fine with it! yay!

and pillows. lots and lots of pillows. eleven to be exact. austin, of course, just loves pillows. what guy doesn't love a zillion pillows to have to move every night before he can crawl into bed?

whatevs. it's pretty.i think i shall sleep well tonight.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

kinda forgot to mention.

so i kinda forgot to mention some pretty big news. if you know me, you probably know that i've been working toward an education/career in the physical therapy field since, oh i don't know, the year 1997. and although i've had some ups and downs on the path to what i want to do with my life {getting both denied some schools and accepted at others}, i finally have a little bit of direction...


this fall i will be starting in the physical therapist assistant program at chattanooga state! it's a quick two year program after which i will be on my way to a real career... a big girl job-finally!

anyway. so i'm pretty excited to have been accepted into the program and am looking forward to starting school again in the fall. and i'm also very excited to take some fun classes like photography while i'm there!

and i'm super pumped about shopping for school supplies. i've always been a sucker for school supplies.

maybe i'll get a trapper keeper.

Monday, May 23, 2011

what was i thinking?

i wrote an entire post without one mention of juliet. what was i thinking?

fortunately, i have two cute pictures of her to share with you.

first, she has no idea. and it's adorable. but probably only to me.

and second, here's boo cuddling with her birthday monkey. isn't she the cutest.

well, there you go. your daily dose of juliet. you're welcome.

home grown.

a little garden update for you here.

first, as you can see, we've had some serious growing happening. our potato plants have taken over the entire garden.

well, at least they had taken over the entire garden. one day they all fell over. i guess they got too tall and just decided to lie down. so we had to pull them all up or else all our other plants would have been squished. so then the garden looked like this.
a lot more open room. too bad we didn't get a single potato from all those potato plants we pulled up. waamp waamp.

a few weeks ago, i found this little gem.

an itty bitty strawberry!

and i really mean itty bitty.

austin and i cut it in half and split it. it kinda tasted like dirt. but whatever. it was the first thing from our garden.

buuuut the most exciting part is that tonight austin and i picked lettuce from our garden and had a salad with spaghetti for dinner. i've never been more excited about lettuce in my life. oh, and spinach, too!

austin picking lettuce leaves for us.

we picked just the right amount for two little side salads for us!

yum! delicious home grown lettuces!

we've also got tiny tomatoes growing, bean plants taller than i am and corn coming up quickly, too! we've really got some green thumbs, don't we? let's just hope things keep growing well!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

good and bad.

today was a good day. and today was a bad day. we'll start with the good.

austin and i did our usual sunday activities: market, groceries, car wash, etc. and then our friend ben came over to cook out.

i don't know what we were talking about. but the pictures i got of them around the grill make me laugh.

and of course, julie was hanging out with us, too. chewing on her new bone.

dinner was delicious and the rain showers we had earlier were short and cleared up just in time for us to eat outside! dinner consisted of grilled chicken for the boys and pasta salad and corn for all of us. yum.

and now, for the bad news {i really shouldn't say bad, just sad, i suppose}.

today, lindsy moved. very. sad. day. but i'm happy for her because she moved to memphis to start a new job that she will {hopefully!} love and to be close to rar jay. i'm going to miss her very, very much. but she's just a day's drive away.

friday night, austin and i took lindsy to dinner at the urban stack for a little going away dinner.

lindsy, i love you and wish you the best of luck and all the happiness in the world! just come back to chattanooga to visit me as much as possible! :)

up on the mountain.

on saturday, austin and i headed up the mountain to steve and gloria's for a cookout/family reunion. we had about 30 or so people all gathered together. the kids played ball, the adults told embarrassing stories about the kids and each about each other, a good time was had by all.

here's the original crawley crew, gloria in the front on the left with her siblings.

let me just say that austin was in charge of the camera, so... there are lots and lots of pictures. but none of them are any good. except these few.

these two little girls {no clue who they belong to or what their names are} were the cutest little things. they apparently looove having their pictures taken because anytime austin lifted the camera up, they began to pose.
don't they have the prettiest little faces?

anyway. so those are about the only good pictures from the day. but we had lots of good food and lots of fun. and the weather was perfect!

Monday, May 16, 2011

nashville, again!

this saturday, lindsy and i (and austin!) mini road-tripped to nashville again for another event for the bride, katie! austin went with us to meet up with rj, who drove in from memphis, while us girls were doing our thing.

the night started out again at sparkling tiara, complete with feather boas, fun masks, food, drinks, games, karaoke and gifts for the bride!

the bride to be and me. and showing off the tattoo-tape garter!

my road tripping partner in crime, lindsy!

and now, random entertaining pictures from the evening.

clearly, someone is not a morning person...

we had lots of fun showering the bride with gifts and celebrating with her!

Monday, May 9, 2011

sarah thompson, dpt?

saturday morning, before lindsy and i mini road-tripped to nashville, we got to see our little sarah graduate from utc's graduate school with a doctorate of physical therapy! i'm so proud of her!
{flashback picture!}

funny story, though. lindsy and i were anxiously awaiting sarah's big walk across the stage and i was planning on getting pictures of her being hooded. we heard "sarah elizabeth thompson" called out and for a moment, we thought this was our sarah, but since that's not her last name, we didn't pay much attention.

then we realized that it was, in fact, our friend who was being hooded and that the announcer said her name wrong. and i missed all of it with the camera! but i did manage to capture this perfect reaction of sarah's.

i believe she's saying "who the heck is sarah thompson?"

congratulations, sarah!

a shower for the bride!

my friend and sorority sister, katie, is getting married in june {getting so close!} and this past saturday, lindsy and i drove to nashville to attend a bridal shower for her. it was hosted by emily, one of katie's friends and a fellow bridesmaid and was held at sparkling tiara. i had such a fun time and katie got some great gifts!

here's all of us girls that were at the shower.

austin and i got katie this H monogrammed door mat set.

and the sweetest gift award {in my opinion} was this ribbon that has katie's soon-to-be last name and wedding date stitched onto it and it's to be sewn into her wedding dress and can be her "something blue." how cute is that?

and i'd say katie's on her way to the housewife life with this adorable apron, which conveniently fits a whole bottle of wine into the pocket!

and then, at the request of the bride and for old times sake, we decided to see if i could fit myself into one of katie's gift bags. and, i did. and then lindsy had to dump me out...

i'm so glad that lindsy and i were able to make it to the shower, we had so much fun! and we're all getting super excited for katie and boomer's big day!
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