this is post number 150 for my little blog and how perfect that it be one all about my little juliet!
julie boo just turned 7 years old! can you believe it? i remember when i got her she was so little bitty.
every year i make a pretty big deal about her birthday. here's when she turned two {she's so little!}.
and yes, she is sitting on the dining room table.
and here's her 5th {i think} birthday party. she's not happy about the hat...
and last year i blogged all about her 6th birthday celebration.
and this year, lucky number seven did not disappoint. there were party hats, presents and cake.
and i happen to be quite proud of this beautiful cake.
the birthday puppy!
juliet enjoyed the cake, of course.
and then it was time for presents.
so yeah. that was our party for the puppy. ready for honest time? her peanut butter cake smelled so good, i made austin take me to get a peanut butter milkshake because i was craving it!
Well, lookie there you could have used those hello kitty party cups I wanted to get you. Happy Birthday JULIEBOOLIE!