Sunday, January 8, 2012

it's ok to be random.

this is a pointless post. just warning you. i just have a few pictures to share, mostly ones i've pulled off my phone.

so juliet has recently decided it's gotten too darn cold to get out of bed in the mornings. well, except for food. so in the mornings, she wakes up, eats, runs outside, and then runs back to get back into bed.
the life of a puppy is hard.

schrodinger is not much of a lap kitty. every now and then he'll decide he wants to sit on the edge of the couch with you, but not actually touch you. however, orie is the exact opposite. she won't leave me alone.

this picture is of me and austin on new year's day. it's pretty poor quality, but i still like it. so deal.

i just think this is really cute. look at boo. love her.

and in case you're wondering what i've been doing all day {right, i'm sure that's just what you were wondering} i've been eating baklava. a lot of it. austin and i made some last night and even though it was somewhat time consuming, it is soooo worth it.
i think i'm addicted. it's a real problem.

so there. a completely pointless and random post sharing some pictures from my phone. riveting, i know.

p.s.- does making baklava count as one of my new recipes i said i would try this month even though it's not really a meal?

because i definitely didn't eat baklava {and only baklava} for breakfast.

or lunch.

definitely. did. not.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

under construction.

ok. so after over a year of the same ole blog look, i've decided to give it an update.

however, i'm finding this incredibly frustrating tonight. so i'm stopping right now, in the middle of it all, to avoid throwing my computer at something/someone.

so, please be patient with the wonky-ness of it all tonight/tomorrow/however long it takes me to fix it how i want it.


Monday, January 2, 2012

goal setting.

ok. so lots of people out there in the blog world, including quite a few of my friends, set monthly goals for themselves and post 'em for the world to see. kind of like an accountability thing, i guess. seems like one might be more motivated to complete their goals if they've told everyone what they are. i've never been one to set goals, really, but i'm thinking i might give it a try.

don't get excited now, because i'm definitely going to start small. real small. like only two categories small.

-get off my butt and start running again! i'm going to aim for at least two runs per week.
-keep up with creating our family yearbook, month by month.
-make one {and only one!} crafty thing, perhaps something i find on pinterest?

-put laundry away as soon as it's folded. it's really not that hard. i just hate doing it.
-stick to our newly created budget. eek.
-try at least two new recipes for dinner.

so there. six easy peasy little goals for the month of january. maybe if i do alright with them i'll be motivated to come up with a few more for the next months. or perhaps i won't accomplish any of it and i'll give up before i even get started. that's the true spirit of new year's resolutions, right?

and on a somewhat related note, i hope you all had a great new year's eve doing whatever it is you like to do on new year's eve. for the first time in quite a few years austin and i did absolutely nothing. we had talked about trying to find some place to go to celebrate the end of 2011/beginning of 2012, but we decided to just stay home and watch the plethora of specials on tv instead. it was much more cost effective anyway.

we did, however, pop open a bottle of champagne to drink at midnight. i really didn't think i was going to make it to midnight, but thanks to the mid-afternoon couch nap that juliet forced me to take, i barely made it.

so, goodbye to 2011 and cheers to 2012!
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