Monday, December 13, 2010


meet joee.

joee is one of austin's little brothers from the fraternity. he was was one of our groomsmen in the wedding. and he is our new roommate.

some way or another, joee and his soon-to-be roommate's leases didn't match up, so joee needed a place to stay until january when he can move in to his own apartment. so he's staying in our guest bedroom for a month or so. no big deal, we just had to do some rearranging, since most of my clothes/makeup/everything are in the spare room. oh and guinny, too. but we've moved things around so joee has enough space for his things.

oh, and also, meet copper.

he's our other new roommate, joee's dog. currently curled up next to me on the couch, he seems to be a pretty good dog. dinger, juliet and guinny may argue with me on that point, though. jules is just a jealous little thing who gets upset if we pay attention to copper. dinger just wants to be left alone. and guinny just wants to not be eaten. so far, copper has been pretty good about leaving the cat alone and staying away from the bird's cage, so fingers are crossed that things will continue to go smoothly.

the puppies had a little bit of bonding time outside in the yard and in... the snow! it snowed pretty much all day yesterday, but really not much of it stuck. we maybe had a quarter or half an inch on the porch railing, but it didn't seem that much stuck to the roads. i did read a bunch of status updates on facebook this morning about people having trouble driving in the snow, but i'm not sure i blame the snow more than the people not knowing how to drive in 1/4 of an inch of snow... just saying.

and as much as i usually love snow and the idea of a white christmas, i guess i'm hoping for a not-so-white christmas this year. bad weather is just about the only thing that could stand between me and visiting my family in virginia for christmas. so i know snow can be fun and pretty and all that jazz, but i haven't seen my momma since september, so i ask you all to be dreaming of a "not-so-white" christmas, please. :)

1 comment:

  1. Rikki, I am Katie's friend and also a fellow bridesmaid. Just wanted to let you know~ i am in love with your precious blog. I follow it and i hope your okay with that!


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