Tuesday, April 19, 2011


ok. so you may be wondering {but probably aren't} why i haven't been posting much lately. and although austin and i have been up to lots here in the past few days, it turns out i take too many pictures. at least according to blogger. apparently, you only have so much photo space on their server and i have exceeded that, mostly because both of my cameras are so awesome {at least i think so} and make the picture size so large. so now, in order to upload pictures, i have to do a little bit of editing and resize the pictures to be fewer pixels. so now, with smaller pictures in tow, i share with you what we've been doing lately.

we did some copper-sitting one weekend when his people were both out of town. and copper took the opportunity to find his inner yogi and meditate a bit.

namaste, copper, namaste.

dinger has been soaking up all the fresh air he can get while the windows are open. and even attempting {and succeeding a few times} to sneak out the door when we come in and out.

one night, austin wanted to head to the driving range and hit a few golf balls and invited me to come with him. i, of course, instantly wanted to put on an entirely plaid outfit and one of those funny hats and be all fancy at the driving range.

but i didn't realized what kind of driving range we were going to...
but it's fine, they have a range and restaurant.

and interesting targets to aim for.

austin is actually pretty good at golf. me? not so much. and i was too annoyed by the millions of mosquitoes biting the heck out of me to try to learn. so i took pictures instead.

we ended up only staying for about 20 minutes and austin didn't even hit all the balls, because the mosquitoes were getting way too bad. and austin was getting way too angry.

also, i got a lovely new hanging basket of begonias for the front porch. lovely, yes?

and of course, we've all done our fair share of lounging and relaxing.

and jules does her share of being so stinking cute.

our garden is growing well and we've been working on a few other things around the house, so i'll have a few more posts coming soon. i know you'll all be waiting anxiously.


  1. Isn't blogger so annoying like that? I use photobucket now, you can upload your pictures (without having to make them smaller) and then it gives you a "direct link" that you can put into the Upload a Picture Using a URL spot. It's been working for me for a while since I got the dreaded blogger message. :)

  2. ooooh. i'll definitely have to look into that. even though shrinking the pictures is pretty quick, it's still kind of a pain. and i'm kind of lazy, too. haha thanks!

  3. you're such an old lady.

    "a basket of begonias for the front porch"

    you can't sit with us.

  4. but you must admit: they are quite lovely!


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