Saturday, November 20, 2010

season's greetings cards?

thanksgiving is coming up this week and usually, my thanksgiving consists of lots family, lots of eating, and lots of driving. most of my family is somewhere around virginia for thanksgiving, so i just have to plan out my day as far as which house i'll be at when. my mom and stepdad usually have a huge lunch at our house and all of the family eats there. usually, we have somewhere around 15-17 people, which is a lot in their tiny house. then i usually head up the road to see my dad's side of the family and my stepmom's family, too. by then, i'm too stuffed to even look at food...

however, since austin is on call the entire holiday weekend, we won't be able to go home for thanksgiving. this will be the first time i haven't spent thanksgiving with my parents... but that's ok, because his family is here, so we'll be having thanksgiving dinner at his parent's house. they do a much more low key dinner. it will just be me, austin, his parent's and his brother.

we're hoping to be able to make it to virginia for christmas, which hopefully will work since christmas is on a saturday. fingers crossed for that one.

but since we can only be in one place at a time, we're planning to make sure all our loved ones know we are thinking of them this holiday season no matter where we are by sending out personalizes holiday cards. we'll be using cards from shutterfly. i'm pretty sure my dad used their website to print off lots of pictures from my brother's wedding and they turned out great, so i know our cards will look just as quality. i want to try to find one that doesn't say "merry christmas" though, because even though both austin and i celebrate christmas, i have some family members who celebrate hannukah, so i want to make sure the card will work for all my family.

they have tons and tons of designs to choose from. i'm considering this one, this one, and this one. they are each super cute, but i just don't know what kind of "feel" we want to go for. i can say that i know that julie boo will be included in the picture we use. :)

i know everyone will be anxiously awaiting their mail from us in order to see which design and picture we chose!

1 comment:

  1. have you printed these yet?? Snapfish runs deals for new members/newly registered email addresses (aka make one up). I paid around $15 for 250 prints for our Save the Dates. Just a thought. Check out They always have picture printing deals.


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