Sunday, January 27, 2013

20th anniversary.

last weekend, austin's fraternity celebrated the 20th anniversary of the founding of their chapter. and in order to celebrate this milestone, they had a big dinner party with a band and everything. of course, the best part about it was seeing all of our friends back in town. lindsy and rj came in and stayed with us for the weekend and it's always so much fun when they're in town.

we got to get all dressed up and take pictures, as usual.

and then, we danced. on the front porch. with the neighbors watching and all.

the dinner was held at lindsay street hall and was so fun. and we saw so many of our friends!

pretty girls {and yes, i stole this picture from facebook. thanks, erin!}

so, yeah. pretty much an awesome weekend. can't wait to do it again soon!


  1. I seriously started crying when I read this & saw the pictures...I miss you all sooo much! Love you!

    1. waaaah! i miss you, too! come visit please! love you!


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